DeltaFineFit: a model-based testing approach for software product lines

The DeltaFineFit approach integrates data refinement based testing into delta-oriented software product line development [Damiani et al., Software & Systems Modeling, 2016]---(the final publication is available at Springer via

The DeltaFineFit tool chain, which is currently under development, will provide full automated support to the integrated use of:

The Album PL is an example of DeltaJ 1.5 software product line that has been specified using the DeltaFineFit approach.
  • A ZIP file containing the DeltaJ 1.5 Eclipse project of the Album PL which has to be imported into the workspace can be downloaded here (see the DeltaJ 1.5 home page for instructions about how to install DeltaJ 1.5 and how to import a project).
  • A ZIP file containing the delta-table modules of the DeltaFineFit specification of the Album PL can be downloaded here.
  • The demos/deltafit page (accessible also from the FineFit home page) explains how to run FinFit on the products of the a AlbumPL.
The version of the Album PL illustrated above follows the simple-core approach to delta-oriented software product line development (see [Schaefer et al, 2010] and [Schaefer and Damiani, 2010]). A ZIP file containing the delta-table modules of a DeltaFineFit specification of the Album PL that follows the complex-core approach can be downloaded here, and a ZIP file containing the DeltaJ 1.5 Eclipse project of a complex-core version of Album PL can be downloaded here.

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